Dying and grief counseling indain funeral


Sometimes death is completely unexpected. It is inevitable and must be accepted, grief and pain, there is also a lot that can be concluded and said.

This phase is often an uncertain period for the dying and for the loved ones, with a lot of sadness, anger and other emotions. A lot is changing and there are many new questions. How do you deal with those long and short questions where you are looking for new answers?

How nice would it be if you could find support during this period from people who feel what you are going through. People who look together with you in peace at what is important to you now. People who have dared to face their own mortality and from that humanity stand next to you to lighten your heavy burden. Looking together at things that are difficult for you, such as fear of what is to come, sadness about missed opportunities in life, concern for the next of kin, we go through all kinds of questions in life.

It can be very welcome to get help with that. You can contact us for this: we are someone who is familiar with these questions, we listen with heart and soul, give courage and peace and professionalism. We are there where necessary and always with attention. We are there for the dying, the family, the relatives and the loved ones and later the next of kin.

You can contact us for guidance in the death of yourself or a family member.


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